Anonymous JLFB Anonymous JLFB Author
Title: Vote Anonymous 2016!
Author: Anonymous JLFB
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Voting is a dramatic time for the citizens of the United States of America, but there is a new line of defense amongst those citizens. ...
Voting is a dramatic time for the citizens of the United States of America, but there is a new line of defense amongst those citizens.
As we dawn upon a new age, the race for the political party bolts along. Up until now, we have had only Republicans and Democrats to choose from. Both parties will tongue lies until they are blue in the face, and continue to mislead us. However, “a new American Political Party platform, in which thrives upon a viable strategic alternative onto the respective American Governing system,” has arrived.
This new party also calls for a new constitution, in which is a general outline of the desired alterations capable of becoming incorporated into the current U.S. Constitution.  If enough bodies elect the Humanity Party, they can legally propose a newly defined constitution that would enable a ‘refresh-state’ of fundamental principles. This would push congress to properly govern the United States of America.
“The Humanity Party® calls for a civil uprising demanding real change of the political status quo, held peacefully and according to law at voting booths throughout the United States and its Districts during the 2016 Presidential election,” says their website home page.
You can find the newly proposed Constitution here.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal.” By the utilization of the Nation’s first Declaration of Independence, altering a few words in order to properly reflect the current needs of the citizens, we hereby present onto you an alternative to a worldwide effort; ordering to eliminate what could potentially demise the human race.
Watch the movement video below:
The Declaration of Reform and Change  can be viewed here.

When a person registers to vote anywhere in the world, that person is allowing government officials to know and track their presence. THumP expects those who are committed to its purpose (establish a New World Order under a One World Government) to show the same courage and resolve as one does when one registers to vote under one’s current government,” according to the Humanity Party Registration Website
In our voting booths across the United States, Americans are able to declare their right of refusal in the continuation of a flawed system. Standing up to the 1%, establishing a new political party to run against the status quo, whop will not only listen to the lower classes cry for equality, but show that they care.
“We are Anonymous! We have a SOLUTION! We represent 99% of the earth’s human population. Those who are considered of the other 1%, we do not represent.”
The other 1% in which the Anonymous movement does not represent, are in control over our fundamental rights and services. Such services include our gas, banks, financial means, food amongst others. Despite being the overwhelming majority, we appear not to have any power over our own lives. We do not have equality in life, nor do we have equal liberty. We are not provided with equal means and opportunities afforded to us, in order to pursue our individual happiness.
We are not Socialists or Capitalists. We support the right of every human born upon this earth by no choice of their own, to have their basic living rights handed to them free of charge.

Americans can declare that they refuse to continue toleration of a flawed system, and demand that the United States institute a more humane government. To rise for change, simply register to vote and at the polling booth on the day of elections, write in the word ANONYMOUS.”

Why Vote for Anonymous?

“Anonymity offers a united and equal face and power to each and every person who legally registers to vote and then uses the write-in option to send a clear and powerful message to the balloted candidates.  It is our intent to show up at voting booths across the country and record a vote of ANONYMOUS, with the hope that ANONYMOUS wins the majority of votes and sends a strong message to the political powers that control our lives.  It is our intent to send a message to the status quo that we demand drastic changes.”
Our protests, complaints and demands for change have gone without viable solutions. It has been proven that the more we push them, the more they push us back. The solution in which we desire, cannot and will not be accomplished by just a single person; it cannot be accomplished by protesting nor by an organization. This must be accomplished by using and complying by what has been brought to us: the law of the land, “Democracy, Voice of the Majority.”
Anonymous has established a new political party, The Humanity Party. This new party provides a platform of solutions for our current social and economic problems. The Humanity Party’s THumP Blogexplains this.
Please visit their website

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